Does Becoming a Digital Nomad Negatively Impact Your Career?

Question: "Does becoming a digital nomad negatively impact my career?"

When it comes to concerns about becoming a digital nomad, one of the most interesting things I've heard is a fear that becoming a digital nomad will negatively impact someone's career. I've heard this at least twice over the last week but it couldn't be further from the truth.

Keep your Career and Travel - the Best of Both Worlds

The whole point of becoming a digital nomad is that you don't have to give up your career to travel. When I wanted to work and travel I thought my only options were to start a blog or teach English abroad. Then I learned about 'remote work' and realized I could maintain my career in Marketing while traveling. The best of both words. The fact that I could maintain my career was one of the major selling points for me when going remote.

When I started working online I went from Project Management, with a background in Marketing, to doing online marketing. When I went remote (doing the marketing), I started at the same salary and in fact, that salary grew over time, as with most jobs.

How Remote Work Can Advance Your Career

If anything, I've advanced my career by going remote because remote work requires you to learn new tools and skills - tools to work smarter, keeping up with trends, as well as other skills that come with working remote - time management, discipline, time management, communication. All critical for remote work.

I now run my own businesses, WiFly Nomads and The Remote Nomad, but if anything, it put me in a strong position professionally. Everyone wants someone who is on top of trends, always learning/growing etc and that is exactly what remote work does.

The jobs available in remote work are just as vast as traditional jobs. There are so many positions and industries.

How You can Keep Your Career and Go Remote

In the online course, How to Become a Digital Nomad: The Complete Guide, I outline:

  • All the various ways you can earn an income remotely
  • Guide you to find the best route for you to earn an income remotely based on your skillset
  • Where to look for remote jobs
  • What the popular remote jobs are
  • Help you determine what remote jobs you can do based on your skillset
  • Other options of how to earn an income remotely that you've maybe never considered. Sometimes you don't know what you don't know.

Oftentimes when I talk to people about this lifestyle there are a lot of 'ah ha' moments. Things they never realized or considered before, because they simply didn't know. The online course, How to Become a Digital Nomad: The Complete Guide is full of those moments.

What Makes Me Qualified?

I've personally taken this digital nomad journey. I've lived this lifestyle for the last 3 years and have freelanced, landed a remote job, started a personal brand and launched a business... and traveled to over 25 countries. I have first-hand experience in what it takes to work online and travel the world and now help others make the same transition. Take Akina and Sarah, two of my past students (they're the two in the photo below), who now live in Bali. My expertise on the topic has even been featured in major publications such as BBC News, Fast Company, CNN Travel and more. Long story short, you're in good hands with the online course.

Closing Soon!

Remember, the online course, 'How to Become a Digital Nomad: The Complete Guide' CLOSES IN 2 DAYS on Thursday June 14th. Make sure you sign up before it's too late. 

Sign up here: